I have spent the morning Googling the theory of the 4 Month Sleep Regression and I have to say, I am a believer. Prior to last week, Max was sleeping pretty good. We could count on him to go down about 7:30 pm and sleep until about 1 or 1:30 am, and then wake again about 4:30/5 am. And then something changed. He continued to go down around 7:30 pm, but for the last two weeks, can't make it past 10:30 pm without waking up! My list of potential causes continues to grow: maybe he's cold (the weather has chilled a bit)? Maybe he's too warm (on account of the changing weather, I'm dressing him warmer)? Is he gasy? Is he hungry? Does he want his arms/legs to be free? One things for certain: he wants his mommy... his exhausted, overwhelmed, zombie-eyed mommy.
In the 11th hour, I have contemplated whether or not Max's crib could sustain the weight of my post pregnancy body.. I've wished the nursery glider were a Lay-Z-Boy recliner.. I've thought about chucking everything in the office and setting up a second bedroom, with a bed, so that Max and I could co-sleep without disrupting the hubs and two chihuahuas that occupy the Master Bed.
Last night I convinced myself that dressing Max in a long sleeved onesie and using one blanket would be enough to make him comfortable enough to sleep through the night. The power of positive thinking, right? Wrong. It was a bust. Although I do think he was more comfortable, as opposed to wearing the fuzzy fleece PJs. One of the 27,000 times I got up, I found him with a foot in each hand and a smile on his face, just chatting away. Cute in the daylight hours, but in the middle of the night? Not so much. It was 3am when I threw in the towel and took Max to my bed with me. At least then, I could catch a few Z's here and there while Max rooted in my bosom on and off.
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